Team Allocation Policy (TAP)
With the new season just around the corner, I wanted to ensure all junior members are aware of the Asquith Soccer Club Team Allocation Policy (TAP). A copy of the clubs Team Allocation Policy is available on the club website at
While the policy in its current form will be introduced this season, it will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it always fits within the Club’s goals and is suitable for the culture on which Asquith Soccer Club has been built.
The formation of the policy has taken many months, many discussions and along the way has taken many different forms before reaching the final policy you see today. I would like to make the point that we do not view this as a traditional ‘grading policy’ but rather a tool to provide those with a greater desire to play competitive football, the opportunity to do so. Team selection in 50% or more of the teams in an assessed age group will still largely be driven by social relationships.
Please read the complete policy for full details, but in short; In Under 10 and Up, the Club will grade 1 or 2 squads per 3 or 4 teams respectively where it considers there are sufficient players registered and resources available to do so in a fair and reasonable manner. The remaining 2 teams of an age group shall not be graded but maintain a mix of skill ranges and be based on social groups and previous years teams. The Club requires a minimum of three complete teams and suitable interest from that age group to participate in the process.
I would like to stress that the introduction of the policy does not change our approach to junior football. The family friendly and all-inclusive culture which has made the Club a success remains our primary focus. I believe our balanced policy along with accessibility to the XLR8 skills development program for juniors regardless of their skill level or which team they play in allows children at Asquith SC to participate, develop and enjoy football at the level most suitable for them.
If you have any questions about the Asquith Soccer Club Team Allocation Policy or the season ahead, please do not hesitate to ask.
Adrian Scott
Vice President – Juniors