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Club Committee

Below are the dedicated members of our Club Committee, these great people keep your club running and tirelessly make sure that games happen, and the club stays a well oiled machine. Without these amazing volunteers, there would be no Asquith Soccer Club. Make sure you say hello and thank them if you see them at your games.

Grant Harlow
Club President
Daryl O'Brien
Robert O'Brien
Adrian Scott
Vice President - Juniors
Todd Simpson
Vice President - Seniors
Paul Gardiner
Senior Registrar
Junior Registrar
Peter Cleary
Female Football Co-ordinator
Mark Williams
Club Coach Co-ordinator
Brett Ottawa
Club Coach Co-ordinator
Evan Byrnes
Sponsorship Manager
Dave Haron
Assets Manager
Luke Heasman
Assets - Kits
Andrew Norris
Assets - Merchandise
Pia Scott
Media Manager
Robert Lee
Public Officer
Events Manager