Junior Club Day 2019
“Thank you so much to everybody for yesterday. All miniroos organised into teams and all the children given their kits. But for me the atmosphere was the best part.
Seeing the group of parents in the stand watching our first assessment, young kids playing games with some All Age, pumping out a massive load of merch, BBQ selling out of sausages and parents just around chatting.
Special thank you to our All Age players Joseph Fachkha, Kris Lacis and Kris O’Ryan and coach Brett Munro for coming along and being a part of the day.
It’s always great to see our seniors getting involved with the juniors and everybody having fun because at the end of the day, that’s what keeps us all coming back.
Really, really special club we have which I have been especially reminded of in the last few weeks. Thank you.”
-Adrian Scott, Junior VP