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Asquith SC AGM – Mon 15th Oct at 7.30pm

The Asquith Soccer Club Annual General Meeting will be held at ASC Committee ShirtAsquith Bowling Club on Monday 15th October at 7:30pm.


We would like to encourage all players, supporters and club members to attend the AGM. With all committee members presenting their report for the year, it is a good opportunity to hear about different areas of your club that you may not otherwise be informed on.

There will be a number of positions declared vacant at this year’s AGM including:
– President
– Senior VP (possible vacancy)
– Treasurer
– Asset Manager (shared role)

If you have any interest in any of these roles please contact a committee member or club secretary Daryl O’Brien at for more information. As the number of female players at the club continues to grow we would also like to see the number of female representatives on the committee increase.

Also at the 2018 AGM we will be confirming the election of John Humphreys as Life Member.